The Vibrant Colours of Mom

In honor of moms around the world, we’ve selected some of our favorite Pure Art photos of the strong, beautiful, vibrant mothers we’ve encountered along the way. When it comes to motherhood, resilience, resourcefulness, & absolute dedication can be found across...

A Humbling Honour for Pure Art

What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been! Returning from our 2014 trip to Peru in the last week of March, Co-Founder Brigitte and the rest of the Pure Art team were thrilled to discover that, through the incredible support of all our voters, Brigitte had been...

Peru Volunteers 2014: CAST in Pucallpa

Day 1: As we enter into our fourth year of the CAST program- Construct A Structure Today- our team is growing with more help than ever. 38 volunteers from Pure Art as well as a group of Peruvians hired by the Foundation are working together to build two new homes....
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